Source code for laspy.header

import enum
import io
import logging
import struct
import typing
from datetime import date, timedelta
from typing import BinaryIO, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
from uuid import UUID

import numpy as np

from . import __version__, extradims
from ._compression.format import (
from .errors import LaspyException
from .point import dims
from .point.format import ExtraBytesParams, PointFormat
from .point.record import PackedPointRecord
from .utils import read_string, write_string
from .vlrs import VLR
from .vlrs.geotiff import create_geotiff_projection_vlrs
from .vlrs.known import (
from .vlrs.vlrlist import VLRList

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


DEFAULT_GENERATING_SOFTWARE = f"laspy {__version__}"

class Version(NamedTuple):
    major: int
    minor: int

    def from_str(cls, string: str) -> "Version":
        major, minor = tuple(map(int, string.split(".")))
        return cls(major, minor)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, str):
            return str(self) == other
            return other.major == self.major and other.minor == self.minor

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.major}.{self.minor}"

class GpsTimeType(enum.IntEnum):
    WEEK_TIME = 0
    STANDARD = 1

class GlobalEncoding:
    GPS_TIME_TYPE_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_0001
    WAVEFORM_INTERNAL_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_0010  # 1.3
    WAVEFORM_EXTERNAL_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_0100  # 1.3
    SYNTHETIC_RETURN_NUMBERS_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0000_1000  # 1.3
    WKT_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0001_0000  # 1.4

    def __init__(self, value=0):
        self.value = value

    def _set_bit(self, mask):
        self.value |= mask

    def _unset_bit(self, mask):
        self.value ^= mask

    def _set_if_true(self, mask, value):
        if bool(value) is True:

    def gps_time_type(self) -> GpsTimeType:
        return GpsTimeType(self.value & self.GPS_TIME_TYPE_MASK)

    def gps_time_type(self, value: GpsTimeType):
        self.value ^= self.GPS_TIME_TYPE_MASK
        self.value |= int(value) & self.GPS_TIME_TYPE_MASK

    def waveform_data_packets_internal(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.WAVEFORM_INTERNAL_MASK)

    def waveform_data_packets_internal(self, value):
        self._set_if_true(self.WAVEFORM_INTERNAL_MASK, value)

    def waveform_data_packets_external(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.WAVEFORM_EXTERNAL_MASK)

    def waveform_data_packets_external(self, value):
        self._set_if_true(self.WAVEFORM_EXTERNAL_MASK, value)

    def synthetic_return_numbers(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.SYNTHETIC_RETURN_NUMBERS_MASK)

    def synthetic_return_numbers(self, value):
        self._set_if_true(self.SYNTHETIC_RETURN_NUMBERS_MASK, value)

    def wkt(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.value & self.WKT_MASK)

    def wkt(self, value):
        self._set_if_true(self.WKT_MASK, value)

    def read_from(cls, stream: BinaryIO) -> "GlobalEncoding":
        return cls(int.from_bytes(, byteorder="little", signed=False))

    def write_to(self, stream: BinaryIO) -> None:
        stream.write(self.value.to_bytes(2, byteorder="little", signed=False))

[docs]class LasHeader: """Contains the information from the header of as LAS file with 'implementation' field left out and 'users' field stored in more ergonomic classes. This header also contains the VLRs Examples -------- Creating a default header: >>> header = LasHeader() >>> header <LasHeader(1.2, <PointFormat(3, 0 bytes of extra dims)>)> Creating a header with the wanted version and point format: >>> header = LasHeader(version=Version(1, 4), point_format=PointFormat(6)) >>> header <LasHeader(1.4, <PointFormat(6, 0 bytes of extra dims)>)> >>> header = LasHeader(version="1.4", point_format=6) >>> header <LasHeader(1.4, <PointFormat(6, 0 bytes of extra dims)>)> """ #: The default version used when None is given to init DEFAULT_VERSION = Version(1, 2) #: The default point format Used when None is given to init DEFAULT_POINT_FORMAT = PointFormat(3) _OLD_LASPY_NAMES = { "max": "maxs", "min": "mins", "scale": "scales", "offset": "offsets", "filesource_id": "file_source_id", "system_id": "system_identifier", "date": "creation_date", "point_return_count": "number_of_points_by_return", "software_id": "generating_software", "point_records_count": "point_count", } def __init__( self, *, version: Optional[Union[Version, str]] = None, point_format: Optional[Union[PointFormat, int]] = None, ) -> None: if isinstance(point_format, int): point_format = PointFormat(point_format) if isinstance(version, str): version = Version.from_str(version) if version is None and point_format is None: version = LasHeader.DEFAULT_VERSION point_format = LasHeader.DEFAULT_POINT_FORMAT elif version is not None and point_format is None: point_format = PointFormat(dims.min_point_format_for_version(str(version))) elif version is None and point_format is not None: version = Version.from_str( dims.preferred_file_version_for_point_format( ) dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(version)) #: File source id self.file_source_id: int = 0 self.global_encoding: GlobalEncoding = GlobalEncoding() #: Project ID #: Initialized to null UUID self.uuid: UUID = UUID(bytes_le=b"\0" * 16) self._version: Version = version #: System identifier #: Initialized to 'OTHER' self.system_identifier: Union[str, bytes] = "OTHER" #: The software which generated the file #: Initialized to 'laspy' self.generating_software: Union[str, bytes] = DEFAULT_GENERATING_SOFTWARE self._point_format: PointFormat = point_format #: Day the file was created, initialized to self.creation_date: Optional[date] = #: The number of points in the file self.point_count: int = 0 #: The numbers used to scale the x,y,z coordinates self.scales: np.ndarray = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01], dtype=np.float64) #: The numbers used to offset the x,y,z coordinates self.offsets: np.ndarray = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) # The max values for x,y,z self.maxs: np.ndarray = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) # The min values for x,y,z self.mins: np.ndarray = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) #: Number of points by return #: for las <= 1.2 only the first 5 elements matters self.number_of_points_by_return: np.ndarray = np.zeros(15, dtype=np.uint32) #: The VLRS self._vlrs: VLRList = VLRList() #: Extra bytes between end of header and first vlrs self.extra_header_bytes: bytes = b"" #: Extra bytes between end of vlr end first point self.extra_vlr_bytes: bytes = b"" #: Las >= 1.3 self.start_of_waveform_data_packet_record: int = 0 #: Las >= 1.4 #: Offset to the first evlr in the file self.start_of_first_evlr: int = 0 #: The number of evlrs in the file self.number_of_evlrs: int = 0 #: EVLRs, even though they are not stored in the 'header' #: part of the file we keep them in this class #: as they contain same information as vlr. #: None when the file does not support EVLR self.evlrs: Optional[VLRList] = None # Info we keep because it's useful for us but not the user self.offset_to_point_data: int = 0 self.are_points_compressed: bool = False self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr() @property def point_format(self) -> PointFormat: """The point format""" return self._point_format @point_format.setter def point_format(self, new_point_format: PointFormat) -> None: dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(self.version) ) self._point_format = new_point_format self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr() @property def version(self) -> Version: """The version""" return self._version @version.setter def version(self, version: Version) -> None: dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(version) ) self._version = version # scale properties @property def x_scale(self) -> float: return self.scales[0] @x_scale.setter def x_scale(self, value: float) -> None: self.scales[0] = value @property def y_scale(self) -> float: return self.scales[1] @y_scale.setter def y_scale(self, value: float) -> None: self.scales[1] = value @property def z_scale(self) -> float: return self.scales[2] @z_scale.setter def z_scale(self, value: float) -> None: self.scales[2] = value # offset properties @property def x_offset(self) -> float: return self.offsets[0] @x_offset.setter def x_offset(self, value: float) -> None: self.offsets[0] = value @property def y_offset(self) -> float: return self.offsets[1] @y_offset.setter def y_offset(self, value: float) -> None: self.offsets[1] = value @property def z_offset(self) -> float: return self.offsets[2] @z_offset.setter def z_offset(self, value: float) -> None: self.offsets[2] = value # max properties @property def x_max(self) -> float: return self.maxs[0] @x_max.setter def x_max(self, value: float) -> None: self.maxs[0] = value @property def y_max(self) -> float: return self.maxs[1] @y_max.setter def y_max(self, value: float) -> None: self.maxs[1] = value @property def z_max(self) -> float: return self.maxs[2] @z_max.setter def z_max(self, value: float) -> None: self.maxs[2] = value # min properties @property def x_min(self) -> float: return self.mins[0] @x_min.setter def x_min(self, value: float) -> None: self.mins[0] = value @property def y_min(self) -> float: return self.mins[1] @y_min.setter def y_min(self, value: float) -> None: self.mins[1] = value @property def z_min(self) -> float: return self.mins[2] @z_min.setter def z_min(self, value: float) -> None: self.mins[2] = value @property def vlrs(self) -> VLRList: return self._vlrs @vlrs.setter def vlrs(self, vlrs: typing.Iterable[VLR]) -> None: self._vlrs = VLRList(vlrs) try: self.vlrs.extract("LaszipVlr") except ValueError: pass self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr()
[docs] def add_extra_dims(self, params: List[ExtraBytesParams]) -> None: for param in params: self.point_format.add_extra_dimension(param) self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr()
[docs] def add_extra_dim(self, params: ExtraBytesParams): self.add_extra_dims([params])
[docs] def add_crs(self, crs: "pyproj.CRS", keep_compatibility: bool = True) -> None: """Add a Coordinate Reference System VLR from a pyproj CRS object. The type of VLR created depends on the las version and point format version. Las version >= 1.4 use WKT string, las version < 1.4 and point format < 6 use GeoTiff tags. .. warning:: This requires `pyproj`. .. warning:: Not all CRS are supported when adding GeoTiff tags. For example, custom CRS. Typically, if the CRS has an EPSG code it will be supported. """ import pyproj # check and remove any existing crs vlrs for crs_vlr_name in ( "WktCoordinateSystemVlr", "GeoKeyDirectoryVlr", "GeoAsciiParamsVlr", "GeoDoubleParamsVlr", ): try: self._vlrs.extract(crs_vlr_name) except IndexError: pass new_ver = self._version >= Version(1, 4) new_pt = >= 6 if new_pt or (new_ver and not keep_compatibility): self._vlrs.append(WktCoordinateSystemVlr(crs.to_wkt())) self.global_encoding.wkt = True else: self._vlrs.extend(create_geotiff_projection_vlrs(crs))
[docs] def remove_extra_dim(self, name: str) -> None: self.remove_extra_dims([name])
[docs] def remove_extra_dims(self, names: Iterable[str]) -> None: for name in names: self.point_format.remove_extra_dimension(name) self._sync_extra_bytes_vlr()
[docs] def set_version_and_point_format( self, version: Version, point_format: PointFormat ) -> None: dims.raise_if_version_not_compatible_with_fmt(, str(version)) self._version = version self.point_format = point_format
def partial_reset(self) -> None: f64info = np.finfo(np.float64) self.maxs = np.ones(3, dtype=np.float64) * f64info.min self.mins = np.ones(3, dtype=np.float64) * f64info.max self.start_of_first_evlr = 0 self.number_of_evlrs = 0 self.point_count = 0 self.number_of_points_by_return = np.zeros(15, dtype=np.uint32) def update(self, points: PackedPointRecord) -> None: self.partial_reset() if not points: self.maxs = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.mins = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: self.grow(points)
[docs] def grow(self, points: PackedPointRecord) -> None: self.x_max = max( self.x_max, (points["X"].max() * self.x_scale) + self.x_offset, ) self.y_max = max( self.y_max, (points["Y"].max() * self.y_scale) + self.y_offset, ) self.z_max = max( self.z_max, (points["Z"].max() * self.z_scale) + self.z_offset, ) self.x_min = min( self.x_min, (points["X"].min() * self.x_scale) + self.x_offset, ) self.y_min = min( self.y_min, (points["Y"].min() * self.y_scale) + self.y_offset, ) self.z_min = min( self.z_min, (points["Z"].min() * self.z_scale) + self.z_offset, ) for return_number, count in zip( *np.unique(points.return_number, return_counts=True) ): if return_number == 0: continue if return_number > len(self.number_of_points_by_return): break # np.unique sorts unique values self.number_of_points_by_return[return_number - 1] += count self.point_count += len(points)
def set_compressed(self, state: bool) -> None: self.are_points_compressed = state @classmethod def read_from( cls, original_stream: BinaryIO, read_evlrs: bool = False ) -> "LasHeader": """ Reads the header from the stream read_evlrs: If true, evlrs will be read Leaves the stream pos right before the point starts (regardless of is read_evlrs was true) """ little_endian = "little" header = cls() stream = io.BytesIO(cls._prefetch_header_data(original_stream)) file_sig = # This should not be possible as _prefetch already checks this assert file_sig == LAS_FILE_SIGNATURE header.file_source_id = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) header.global_encoding = GlobalEncoding.read_from(stream) header.uuid = UUID( header._version = Version( int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False), int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False), ) header.system_identifier = read_string(stream, SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_LEN) header.generating_software = read_string(stream, GENERATING_SOFTWARE_LEN) creation_day_of_year = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) creation_year = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) try: header.creation_date = date(creation_year, 1, 1) + timedelta( creation_day_of_year - 1 ) except ValueError: header.creation_date = None header_size = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) header.offset_to_point_data = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) number_of_vlrs = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) point_format_id = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) point_size = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) header.point_count = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False) for i in range(5): header.number_of_points_by_return[i] = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) for i in range(3): header.scales[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] for i in range(3): header.offsets[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] for i in range(3): header.maxs[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] header.mins[i] = struct.unpack("<d",[0] if header.version.minor >= 3: header.start_of_waveform_data_packet_record = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) if header.version.minor >= 4: header.start_of_first_evlr = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) header.number_of_evlrs = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) header.point_count = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) for i in range(15): header.number_of_points_by_return[i] = int.from_bytes(, little_endian, signed=False ) current_pos = stream.tell() if current_pos < header_size: header.extra_header_bytes = - current_pos) elif current_pos > header_size: raise LaspyException("Incoherent header size") header._vlrs = VLRList.read_from(stream, num_to_read=number_of_vlrs) current_pos = stream.tell() if current_pos < header.offset_to_point_data: header.extra_vlr_bytes = header.offset_to_point_data - current_pos ) elif current_pos > header.offset_to_point_data: raise LaspyException("Incoherent offset to point data") header.are_points_compressed = is_point_format_compressed(point_format_id) point_format_id = compressed_id_to_uncompressed(point_format_id) point_format = PointFormat(point_format_id) try: extra_bytes_vlr = typing.cast( ExtraBytesVlr, header._vlrs.get("ExtraBytesVlr")[0] ) except IndexError: pass else: if point_size == point_format.size: logger.warning( "There is an ExtraByteVlr but the header.point_size matches the " "point size without extra bytes. The extra bytes vlr info will be ignored" ) header._vlrs.extract("ExtraBytesVlr") else: for extra_dim_info in extra_bytes_vlr.type_of_extra_dims(): point_format.add_extra_dimension(extra_dim_info) header._point_format = point_format if point_size > point_format.size: # We have unregistered extra bytes num_extra_bytes = point_size - point_format.size point_format.dimensions.append( dims.DimensionInfo( name="ExtraBytes", kind=dims.DimensionKind.UnsignedInteger, num_bits=8 * num_extra_bytes, num_elements=num_extra_bytes, is_standard=False, description="Un-registered ExtraBytes", ) ) elif point_size < point_format.size: raise LaspyException( f"Incoherent point size, " f"header says {point_size} point_format created says {point_format.size}" ) if read_evlrs: header.read_evlrs(original_stream) return header def write_to( self, stream: BinaryIO, ensure_same_size: bool = False, encoding_errors: str = "strict", ) -> None: """ ensure_same_size: if true this function will raise an internal error if the written header would change the offset to point data it originally had (meaning the file could become broken), Used when rewriting a header to update the file (new point count, mins, maxs, etc) """ little_endian = "little" with io.BytesIO() as tmp: self._vlrs.write_to(tmp, encoding_errors=encoding_errors) vlr_bytes = tmp.getvalue() header_size = LAS_HEADERS_SIZE[str(self.version)] header_size += len(self.extra_header_bytes) new_offset_to_data = header_size + len(vlr_bytes) + len(self.extra_vlr_bytes) if ensure_same_size and new_offset_to_data != self.offset_to_point_data: raise LaspyException( "Internal error, writing header would change original offset to data" "and break the file" ) self.offset_to_point_data = new_offset_to_data stream.write(LAS_FILE_SIGNATURE) stream.write(self.file_source_id.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) self.global_encoding.write_to(stream) stream.write(self.uuid.bytes_le) stream.write(self.version.major.to_bytes(1, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.version.minor.to_bytes(1, little_endian, signed=False)) was_truncated = write_string( stream, self.system_identifier, SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_LEN, encoding_errors=encoding_errors, ) if was_truncated: logger.warning( f"system identifier does not fit into the {SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_LEN} maximum bytes," f" it will be truncated" ) was_truncated = write_string( stream, self.generating_software, GENERATING_SOFTWARE_LEN, encoding_errors=encoding_errors, ) if was_truncated: logger.warning( f"generating software does not fit into the {GENERATING_SOFTWARE_LEN} maximum bytes," f" it will be truncated" ) if self.creation_date is None: self.creation_date = stream.write( self.creation_date.timetuple().tm_yday.to_bytes( 2, little_endian, signed=False ) ) stream.write(self.creation_date.year.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(header_size.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.offset_to_point_data.to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(len(self._vlrs).to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) point_format_id = if self.are_points_compressed: point_format_id = uncompressed_id_to_compressed(point_format_id) stream.write(point_format_id.to_bytes(1, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.point_format.size.to_bytes(2, little_endian, signed=False)) # Point Count if self.version.minor >= 4: stream.write(int(0).to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) for i in range(5): stream.write(int(0).to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) else: if self.point_count > np.iinfo(np.uint32).max: raise LaspyException( f"Version {self.version} cannot save clouds with more than" f" {np.iinfo(np.uint32).max} points" ) stream.write(self.point_count.to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) for i in range(5): stream.write( int(self.number_of_points_by_return[i]).to_bytes( 4, little_endian, signed=False ) ) for i in range(3): stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.scales[i])) for i in range(3): stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.offsets[i])) for i in range(3): stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.maxs[i])) stream.write(struct.pack("<d", self.mins[i])) if self.version.minor >= 3: stream.write( self.start_of_waveform_data_packet_record.to_bytes( 8, little_endian, signed=False ) ) if self.version.minor >= 4: stream.write( self.start_of_first_evlr.to_bytes(8, little_endian, signed=False) ) stream.write(self.number_of_evlrs.to_bytes(4, little_endian, signed=False)) stream.write(self.point_count.to_bytes(8, little_endian, signed=False)) for i in range(15): stream.write( int(self.number_of_points_by_return[i]).to_bytes( 8, little_endian, signed=False ) ) stream.write(self.extra_header_bytes) stream.write(vlr_bytes) stream.write(self.extra_vlr_bytes)
[docs] def parse_crs(self, prefer_wkt=True) -> Optional["pyproj.CRS"]: """ Method to parse OGC WKT or GeoTiff VLR keys into a pyproj CRS object Returns None if no CRS VLR is present, or if the CRS specified in the VLRS is not understood. Parameters ---------- prefer_wkt: Optional, default True, If True the WKT VLR will be preferred in case both the WKT and Geotiff VLR are present .. warning:: This requires `pyproj`. .. versionadded:: 2.5 The ``prefer_wkt`` parameters. """ geo_vlr = self._vlrs.get_by_id("LASF_Projection") if self.evlrs is not None: geo_vlr.extend(self.evlrs.get_by_id("LASF_Projection")) parsed_crs = {} for rec in geo_vlr: if isinstance(rec, (WktCoordinateSystemVlr, GeoKeyDirectoryVlr)): crs = rec.parse_crs() if crs is not None: parsed_crs[type(rec)] = crs # Could not parse anything / there was nothing to parse if not parsed_crs: return None if prefer_wkt: preferred, other = WktCoordinateSystemVlr, GeoKeyDirectoryVlr else: preferred, other = GeoKeyDirectoryVlr, WktCoordinateSystemVlr try: return parsed_crs[preferred] except KeyError: return parsed_crs[other]
[docs] def read_evlrs(self, stream): """ Reads EVLRs from the stream and sets them in the data property. The evlrs are accessed from the `evlrs` property Does nothing if either of these is true: - The file does not support EVLRS (version < 1.4) - The file has no EVLRS - The stream does not support seeking Leaves/restores the stream position to where it was before the call """ if self.version.minor >= 4: if self.number_of_evlrs > 0 and stream.seekable(): saved_pos = stream.tell(), io.SEEK_SET) self.evlrs = VLRList.read_from( stream, self.number_of_evlrs, extended=True ) elif self.number_of_evlrs > 0 and not stream.seekable(): self.evlrs = None else: self.evlrs = VLRList() else: self.evlrs = None
@staticmethod def _prefetch_header_data(source) -> bytes: """ reads (and returns) from the source all the bytes that are between the beginning of the file and the start of point data (which corresponds to Header + VLRS). It is done in two calls to the source's `read` method This is done because `LasHeader.read_from` does a bunch of read to the source, so we prefer to prefetch data in memory in case the original source is not buffered (like a http source could be) """ header_bytes =["1.1"]) file_sig = header_bytes[: len(LAS_FILE_SIGNATURE)] if not file_sig: raise LaspyException(f"Source is empty") if file_sig != LAS_FILE_SIGNATURE: raise LaspyException(f'Invalid file signature "{file_sig}"') if len(header_bytes) < LAS_HEADERS_SIZE["1.1"]: raise LaspyException("File is to small to be a valid LAS") offset_to_data = int.from_bytes( header_bytes[96 : 96 + 4], byteorder="little", signed=False ) rest = - len(header_bytes)) return header_bytes + rest def _sync_extra_bytes_vlr(self) -> None: try: self._vlrs.extract("ExtraBytesVlr") except IndexError: pass extra_dimensions = list(self.point_format.extra_dimensions) if not extra_dimensions: return eb_vlr = ExtraBytesVlr() for extra_dimension in extra_dimensions: dtype = extra_dimension.dtype assert dtype is not None eb_struct = ExtraBytesStruct(, description=extra_dimension.description.encode(), ) if extra_dimension.num_elements > 3 and dtype.base == np.uint8: type_id = 0 eb_struct.options = extra_dimension.num_elements else: type_id = extradims.get_id_for_extra_dim_type(dtype) eb_struct.data_type = type_id eb_struct.scale = extra_dimension.scales eb_struct.offset = extra_dimension.offsets eb_vlr.extra_bytes_structs.append(eb_struct) self._vlrs.append(eb_vlr) # To keep some kind of backward compatibility @property def major_version(self) -> int: return self.version.major @property def minor_version(self) -> int: return self.version.minor def __getattr__(self, item): try: return getattr(self, self._OLD_LASPY_NAMES[item]) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"No attribute {item} in LasHeader") from None def __setattr__(self, key, value): try: return setattr(self, self._OLD_LASPY_NAMES[key], value) except KeyError: super().__setattr__(key, value) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<LasHeader({self.version.major}.{self.version.minor}, {self.point_format})>"
LAS_HEADERS_SIZE = { "1.1": 227, "1.2": 227, "1.3": 235, "1.4": 375, }